Job descriptions for local authorities, especially in those with predominant organizational changes, require time and energy for the HR department, which must ensure that they are constantly updated and conform to the organizational chart.
Synacom has developed the POSTE-IT software to dematerialize job description in order to make it accessible to each person concerned and to facilitate the work of managers and of the HR department.
Operating in a work-flow logic, this software gives the HR department the means to manage, visualize and control any operation related with job descriptions, from their creation to their deletion.
5 advantages of Poste-it:
1. Fitting the existing system
The matrix of job descriptions is dematerialized in accordance with the documents provided by the HR department. The employee database and the organizational chart are integrated.
2. Definition of the workflow
The HR department decides to give (or not) the hand to the managers to modify all or part of the job descriptions.
Possibility to download copies of signed documents.
3. Statistical monitoring and archiving
The HR department has a statistical monitoring module that allows managers to know at any time the number of employees who do not have job descriptions, to see their progress, those that are signed, etc. and they can follow any changes that would be made by other departments.
All the old versions of job descriptions are archived.
All the important actions (updates, signatures etc.) are timestamped.